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25 And Broke

It was a couple of sleeps before pay day and my work colleagues and I were having a laugh comparing our savings accounts this morning. One of the guys declared she had 35 cents left and another was scrounging around in his pigeon hole to find loose change. I have to admit, I diagnosed my wallet with anorexia last week due to my much adored but ridiculously spoilt Mini Cooper being serviced (a lot has changed since my last few blog entries) leaving me with four dollars for the rest of the fortnight (which is now non-existent because I snacked on KFC chips at break time).

Despite the early humour on this frosty Melbourne Monday, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy over two things. The first, as I recalled an article my friend, Grace e-mailed me recently. And second, as I think about the 19-week wonder swimming around in my belly.

The article, titled "Why We Need To Take 20-Somethings Seriously" by Jenna Goudreau discusses the growing concern over the named generation's hesitant or, arguably, easygoing approach to maturity - a successful job and stable family life. Apparently, we are still living with parents, own no savings and are stuck in a mindset where we seem to sweep the final career path, marriage and children under the bed for the 30-somethings to discover. We think that we are still at an age where spending X amount too much for that designer dress you just have to have for the next boozy weekend around the corner is still the norm.
Goudreau wrote we've been dubbed The Stuck Generation or The Lost Generation. My honest opinion? I think we are more like, The CBF Generation. We're just too damn lazy to get out there and do something about this controversial era, let alone write out phrases without cutting corners.

Grace and her partner have been awakened - she told me they just switched to serious jobs and invested in an apartment. And today, just pondering about my future maternal engagements and (now) zero bank account, I just might have awakened too.